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January 07, 2008



ugh. and again I do not miss it.

I'm sending you all my positive vibes for energy ... right.... now......

Mrs. Chicken

If it makes you feel any better, Mr. C and I are having the same kind of smack-downs. They aren't kidding when they say no one cares that you're pregnant the second time around. And The Poo and your boy should meet - together they could form a new superpower.

Thinking of you ... and me!


Hey, at least you just threw a harmless spoon right? Its not like you threw an oscillating fan THROUGH A WINDOW. Not that I would know anything about that. Ahem.

Hormones suck.


Well, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so happy that you're pregnant!

And I hear ya about wondering about your parenting abilities with two. I am so there. I don't know if I can survive no sleep while trying to control a VERY active toddler and a newborn. I am starting to freak about the whole thing now.

And as for the spoon and ice cream. I am so glad that you threw the spoon. I would have cried if it were the ice cream hurled across the room.


I think that ice cream business happened here too. I don't remember exactly; I think I blacked out.


Yikes, so this is what I have to look forward to with #2...oh joy, can't wait.

I'm sorry hormones are making you crazy, if I lived near by I'd offer you a night off.


Well, I'm on three and I can say that I am less embarrassed to fess up to exhaustion and moodiness. I won't say that I am going so far as to laugh along with everyone else at my appalling cluelessness. I wish I could say it gets easier, what I can say is that for all the getting bigger, bitchier and clumsier, life gets richer, love grows deeper and your decision to this will be legitimized again and again.

Congratulations are still in order and I still like hearing how you *really* are.

Hang in there.

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