Grandma D is my husband's grandmother. Like most grandmothers, she has a rich history, not mine to tell. Today in her eighties, she still always shows up; She always has her hair curled, her lipstick on and always has a snazzy broach on her sweater and socks that match her slacks. Once I went to her house for lunch and she made us soup and hot dogs. A + grandma material.
In the ten years that I have known my husband, she has continued to send cards for birthdays and holidays. The best part of receiving these cards is not the two or three one dollar bills tucked inside, it's the flowy cursive script of her handwriting and the gems she has written over the years, including:
"I'm eighty three years old, I haven't been sick lately, I've had all the germs."
"It's a good thing so-and-so is pregnant, she almost missed the boat!"
She's also written lovely testaments to my beautiful boys and love of family.
As the years have progressed the notes have become more brief. I'm not sure her sight is what it used to be. Our Christmas card this year only included a line or two and it wasn't until I saw it that I realized how much I looked forward to the longhand, sometimes rambling, letters she used to write on the front, back and insides of the cards she picked out, signed and mailed to us.
Always signed,
Love, Grandma
Today's prompt is stationery.