The boy is just over 16 months now. I usually write a monthly recap and I did again this month, but I didn't publish it because it was WAY to mushy-gushy. Here's the abridged version:
This month has been the greatest month ever. My momma dreams have come true because I love you more than I could have ever imagined and this month you started to love me back, for real. For all the words I read you, repeat to you, all the questions I ask you and answer for you, I am speechless. I went into detail about the moment I knew, the look in his eye, how I recognized that it was more than the reflection my affection looking back at me. The way my heart threatened to melt immediately into a puddle of love and pour out onto my shoes, across the floor, out the door and into the street, into the Great Lakes, filtering out to the Atlantic and beyond until it covered the globe.
It's been harder to leave him during the day and go to work. I've written before about the class A day care he attends. He's well cared for, totally stimulated, loved and supported there. Not working is not an option for me. I know deep down I'm a better mom because I work outside of the house. My personality is not conducive to being home with him full time. (That would be the easily anxious/depressed/frustrated personality). I give him 100% of my attention from the minute I pick him up until he goes to bed. I'm so happy to see him during the week, as opposed to some of the weekend days when we are together from 5AM to 8PM and by 3 o'clock I'm feeling burned out and frazzled and praying for bedtime.
One of the reasons I'm so fond of his daycare is that they recognize and make an effort to do what's best for him and what's best for us. I'm pretty sure he crawled for the first time there and rather than announce when I picked him up Guess what? He's crawling! He's crawling! they discreetly said You should watch him tonight, it sure looked like he was ready to crawl today. When he did, I was suspicious, but I was glad they didn't tell me. For all I know, I was there witnessing that milestone for the first time.
He's talking so much now and I feel like we are friends. Really good friends - and isn't it natural to want to spend all your time with your best friends? I feel like I'm finally getting over the hump of adjusting to the basic demands of being a mom and so naturally, along comes a new thing for me to get used to. I have to get used to being away from him when I'd rather be with him and I have to get used to the fact that he has to get used to being away from me.
I've been trying really hard to teach him how to say his name. It starts with an F and he hasn't mastered that sound yet. I've found he learns best by repetition so when we are together I pat my chest "mama", point to his dad "papa" and point to him and say his name. He's been saying and understanding mama and papa for months now, they are not new vocabulary words but I often find him toddling around repeating mama..papa..mama..papa.
I often wonder if he thinks about me and his pop when he's at school and we are apart. If he has up to now, he hasn't had the vocabulary to express it. This week there is a substitute teacher in the room. She's a floater so she knows all the kids and they know her. What she doesn't always know is what to filter. I picked him up last night and a teacher said "He did so well today using all his words!". How proud I was! How excellent! As we were walking out the sub called out how funny it was that all day he was saying mama..papa..mama..papa.
Mama? Papa? F@**. Toddler sized 5 kick in the stomach.
That doesn't mean he was calling for me or missing me or unhappy, but since I know he knows who mama is, that pretty much answered the question I didn't actually want the answer to. No one has ever mentioned to me before that he has ever asked about mama or even said the word mama before. I prefer to think that he spends his days thinking about finger painting and sandboxes and buggy rides and when I appear at 5 o'clock he thinks WOW! Hi! What a nice surprise! I forgot all about you!
So he's talking about me at day care now. Great. Next thing you know he's going to be sneaking over the telephone and dialing my digits when the day care teachers aren't looking. This is going to take some getting used to.