1. Starbucks Dark Cherry Mocha. I don't even like coffee. I don't drink mochas, I drink tea, but every morning my local Starbucks has mini samples of the dark cherry mocha on the counter complete with whipped cream & sprinkles. Those little chocoalte sprinkles? They melt in your mouth. Literally.
2. Light Blue by Dolce & Gabbana is my signature scent: It's in the citrus-y family and a little sweet and it makes me feel fancy.
3. Lady Gaga & Telephone. I know I'm late to the party, but I think I love her. Not in her bisexual-fantasy way. Just lover her creativity and her mad skillz.
4. Adele 19. Again, late on the uptake to this but her track Daydreaming? Swoon worthy. Her voice is like butter. Warm sweet butter. With a whiskey chaser.
5. Jonathan Rhys Meyers. I'm currently re-watching all of the previous seasons of the Tudors to get ready for season 5. I never get tired of (him) that show. Where was I?
6. My husband bought me this Sugio running tank. It's bright and pretty, snug where it should be and long enough that I can tuck it into my running tights. That way I can focus on running and not worry about it riding up and flashing everyone my muffin top.
7. eos lip balm. The sweet mint flavor. Soothes angry winter lips.
8. EMU boots. I almost feel sorry* that it has been warm enough for me to not need to wear my Emu boots. They are like a wool blanket on your feet. That's not true at all*.
9. Pacific Natural Foods Tomato and Red Pepper Soup. Divine.
10. Ahsoka Tano. I am deeply and firecely entrenched in my five year old's 24/7 Star Wars obsession. Ahsoka is a jedi and she kicks ass.
I lifted this from Metalia. Tell me, what do you love love love rightthisminute?
I'm kind of liking that new show Parenthood, although my husband now refuses to watch because he gets so nervous about Bad Things happening.
And my friend bought me two bags of the Trader Joe's Harvest Blend Grains that I loooove.
Posted by: mayberry | March 25, 2010 at 12:47 PM
You. I like you rightthissecond.
Posted by: amanda | March 30, 2010 at 08:35 PM
I love that tomato/red pepper soup too. I eat it all winter long.
Mine? Greek yogurt.
Posted by: Kimberly | April 05, 2010 at 08:12 PM