Ashton Kutcher is not my favorite flavor, but I will acknowledge he is easy on the eyes. Remember how one day he was looking good? His hair long and wavy, framing his face as he was swashbuckling a woman old enough to be his mother? He was Ashton. Young and hot and sassy.
Then remember when he showed up one day, having cut all his hair off for some movie and he looked like a 40 year old who should be wearing a suit and like his name wasn't Ashton, but something like Mike, carrying a briefcase to his office job?
We went for haircut #2 this weekend. It was traumatic. Hair flying everywhere, a screaming toddler desperately trying to escape my arms, which were pinning down his. An Italian barber who couldn't say more than "OK OK", which to me signaled we were done, but to him simply translated: Stop that child from wiggling of I'm going to cut his ear off. Twenty minutes of this, the barber squirting my son in the head with his water bottle and my son a complete mess with snot and hair all over his face I said ENOUGH!
Looking down at all that beautiful golden (it's really golden, I'm not exaggerating) hair covering my black pants made me more than a little sick. I kept looking at him in my rear view mirror driving home and cringing. Oh how I loved to sweep his locks to the side with my fingers, brushing them away from his face, admiring the curve of his forehead, the way the fine hair, the silky undergrowth along the hairline was platinum blond, kissed by the sun.
Now he looks like he's 40, OK, he doesn't look 40 but he does look like he's 4. I'm not down with that look. I know, it's hair, it grows back, yadda yadda. No more italian barbers! No more male barbers in grown up barbershops! I'm going to find a mommy somewhere who cuts hair at a kids salon who will know what it means when I say not too short. Who will understand that translates to: Please don't take my little boy away from me. Please don't let him get discovered modeling underwear and marry a hot movie star as old as me and pull pranks on people on TV for kicks.
At least, not until he's 40.
And I thought I might take CJ for her first haircut this week. Changed my mind now.
He does look like a big boy, but still absolutely adorable.
Posted by: mothergoosemouse | August 21, 2006 at 02:53 PM
Well, the plus side is that there isn't a haircut in the world that could take the cuteness out of that kid! You can also exploit the fact that time goes by so fast to make yourself feel better about his hair growth. In the blink of an eye, it'll be soft and curling again. Ever since time started fast-forwarding for me (read: the day my daughter was born), the only advantage I could find to the frenetic pace is that I don't have time to dwell on anything that I don't want to.
Posted by: Binky | August 21, 2006 at 03:26 PM
Awww. But he does look adorable now. I can see what you mean, though. Not as baby as before.
God, he is such a cutiepie!
Posted by: lynsalyns | August 21, 2006 at 04:27 PM
He couldn't look anything but cutely handsome, and brave. And thank goodness you just didn't whip out the tupperware bowl for one of THOSE cuts.
Posted by: Marla | August 21, 2006 at 07:29 PM
You know I'm with you. I HATE getting haircuts for my little moptop. Just had to do it again last week. whaaaa.
Posted by: mayberry | August 22, 2006 at 10:27 AM
He is so gorgeous - curls or no curls.
I dont want to get my boy's hair cut because they both have curls, one more than the other. But they are starting to look they have baby mullets.
Posted by: Michele | August 22, 2006 at 12:48 PM
My little man screamed bloody murder at his first haircut too. It gets even worse when they use clippers. Fortunately, he's remembering those lovely lollipops he gets afterwards and looks forward to it now.
Posted by: mamacita tina | August 22, 2006 at 02:32 PM
Okay, keep in mind that if you don't cut his hair you could wind up with a Ryder situation. You know, Kate Hudson's son. He looks like a chick and that's not fun either. But seriously, he's fricken cute!
Posted by: Stefanie | August 22, 2006 at 10:36 PM
What a cutie you have! My 2 year old son has red curls that are so long now (he's never had a haircut) that I envision him after a haircut with hair like your son's before his haircut. Not sure that makes any sense written down... In other words, your son's curly hair looks short to me, that's how long my son's hair is. And I'm not avoiding the cut because I can't bear to lose those precious curls, but really I am dreading the *scene* he will cause at the salon. I guess I'll have to bite the bullet eventually; no matter what we dress him in, inevitably we get the "what a cute little girl!" comment.
Posted by: Mandy | September 08, 2006 at 02:50 PM